February 12, 2013

These Guys Let Their Former Roommate Know That Everything's Better Now [Video]

I can certainly imagine that if you opt for the roommate route when striking out on your own there may be a chance that you will not be 100% compatible with everyone. That's what the guys from 'BoiZone' found out.

After one member (citizen?) of the BoiZone left the remaining BoiZonians found that everything seemed to be better. The boys decided to grab a camera, channel the spirit of Dennis Leary (which is tricky because he's still alive, I think -- yup!), and let the former roomie as well as the world know what's up.

While their YouTube channel only has one video I'm going sub and hope there's more on the way.

*takes comically extreme drag on a cigarette and lets out an equally comical exhale*


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