February 1, 2013

Coke Syrup Races Are A Thing

If you are totally confused at the title of this post I can relate. It was about a year ago that I heard the term 'Coke syrup race' and could not understand how the words worked together, but in time I learned and wished these races happened closer to me.

All the races I've read up on have been inside big buildings with concrete floors and if you have driven on concrete you know it can be slick without warning. So how do you take a slick surface like that and make it race ready? From the name I assume you take the syrup for Coke that fountain machines use and put a layer of it on the floor.

You can see the difference between the non-syrup floor and the glistening layer of syrup in the below photo from the 'A Day of Thunder on Syrup' Facebook page.

Now that you know what this is all about how about some racing? Let's go on board with YouTube user Mordirt as we take a ride on a racing lawn mower.

Okay, that was four wheels. How about we join FTW Co. and taste the insanity of two wheels in their coverage of 'Battle at the Barn IV'.

Looks like too much fun to be legal. Be sure to look up if your area has any races like this and go -- for me.

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