May 14, 2012

Can Twitter Be Classified As Entertainment?

On Saturday I moved from Ubuntu 10.04 LTS to Mint 12. It was a total cluster fuck and I just about ran into the street to feel the warm embrace of a speeding truck, so it all went how I expected. Not expected, however, was a thought I had late in the day.

I was surfing the web as usual and was bored out of my mind. The weekends can be pretty slow in the online entertainment world, but dang I was bored. Then I found what may have been the reason, I hadn't installed my Twitter client.

 I have carefully followed only the highest quality in online entertainers, content creators, and just generally interesting people that link their latest creations, content they have found, and interesting content.

Now, most people think of Twitter as a communication service or as a way to disseminate information, but when does it stop being a tool and start becoming a form of entertainment itself?

There are Twitter accounts known solely for being entertaining like 'Shit My Dad Says'. Then there is an account from author Matt Stewart that tweeted his entire book 'The French Revolution'. These are examples of entertainment that can only come from Twitter or turn what Twitter is, or what it's perceived to be, on it's ear.

Are these examples enough to make us rethink what Twitter is or are they just oddities?

Now, this would be the part where the author makes a stand and boldly proclaims "YES, IT IS!", but I don't really know. Hell, I may be writing this to convince myself that it might be.

All I'm saying is if I'm bored because I'm missing my Twitter feed it might just be more than information.

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