April 23, 2012

#MusicMonday : Deathmøle

"Deathmøle is a fictional band that makes actual music" according to it's Bandcamp page which is 100% true. The post-metal band Deathmøle exists in the world of the webcomic Questionable Content made by Jeph Jacques who also makes the band's real music.

The band: (left to right) Marten, Amir, and Hannelore.

Deathmøle's music is available on Bandcamp with albums going for $5 or less and tracks going for usually $1. All songs, that I can see, are available for full streaming so you'll know exactly what you're getting.

The newest Deathmøle release, 'Advances', is currently going up a song at a time with its most recent track 'Perennial' kicks so much ass that it inspired me to share their music in what I hope is a weekly feature here on Anti-Machine.

Deathmøle's music is available on their Bandcamp page and you can follow the lives of the band and their friends via Questionable Content.

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