April 25, 2012

Check Out This SNES Arcade Cabinet

Since arcades are becoming as endangered as something really endangered people who want that arcade experience are beginning to take drastic action by making their own arcade cabs. Since they are making their own cabs, why not make them unique?

Here we have a SNES arcade cab made by Redditor Echoobrain. The cab is adorned with a Mario on one side and Link on the other with a triforce on the front of the control deck. The marquee is of course a Nintendo logo.

The controls are an arcade quality joystick and buttons, but share space with a feature that arcade cabs don't usually have -- a cartridge slot. While the cab is set up for one player there is a regular controller stashed in a drawer in the cab fora second player.

I got to admit I'm super jelly that I don't have one.

It's finally finished Reddit... SNES Arcade! [Reddit via Technabob]

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